all stories anonymized
We were homeless. Living in my car. The two of us, my 6 year old, and our cat. We just got out of a lease we could barely keep up with and could not find anywhere else to go but still kept pushing for that dream house..just a few numbers away from the perfect credit score..After 2 months of staying outside BOOM corona virus happens...Shit started getting real, the news was playing on the radio constantly warning us of the dangers. Gyms and parks started to close down and we couldn’t find a decent shower/use the bathroom. We still maintained our normal lives and went to work, cared for my son, the kitty, etc. I don’t think anyone suspected a thing but who knows... After 2 months of staying outside and a few emotional breakdowns, my boyfriend made the call to my mom panicking, even after I begged him not to - my mom is one of the most frantic people I’ve ever met, believes in tradition..we never see eye to eye.. and I was scared she was gonna call the cops. Only my son and I could come back home...not [insert name] or the kitty.. I’m devastated...I think I went off the edge that night, screaming at everything and nothing...kicked him out of the car for telling her everything and went on a mission to find him again...but he said he needed us to be safe..he is a guy and could handle it..he said he loved me that much and needed for me to be ok. So for the first time I listened. We still saw each other every day after he got off work and constantly called/texted each other every hour or so...we loved each other that much that we couldn’t bear to waste a second without reminding the other that I love you, lets eat something, let’s go do whatever u need to get done, hows my cat, etc...he still went to work, I still did a few house cleaning jobs that I maintained even after getting laid off from my temporary job that was supposed to end at the end of April..2019 was hard I couldn’t find a stable job, I dropped out of college to keep a flexible schedule..we were both working all the time, anything we could find and it was nice to come home to each made the days less depressing. Most important, my son was happy and healthy, one of the top students in his kindergarten class...the coronavirus screwed us over without infecting us physically. The new goal was to scramble to find him somewhere to stay...It’s only been 2 weeks back home and 1 week that he has been sporadically staying at a friend’s house we finally found a nice place that the cat could stay until it the shutdown he’s at a 1 bedroom with 4 other people living in it. A friend from an old job opened the door to him. One of the roommates has chronic cough which added to his anxiety. Today he lost his wallet. He called me all day long asking for my advice. He thinks someone stole it. Maybe a roommate? They never seemed to care about the virus and throw kickbacks at the house where my man is supposed to sleep on the floor and leave for work at 6 am..Therefore adding to the stress. Some nights he would still stay in the car because this crowd of people seemed off to him/he was afraid that one of the guys was infected...We were supposed to get a house by now we’ve been working towards it all year long and finally got news that we could be approved...But nobody’s opening doors for anyone right now. The wallet with around $500 in cash, id and all personal info gone. And he speculates a roommate took it because they decided out of the blue their broke asses could afford luxury substances I couldn’t even tell you the name and tell him get over yourself, it’s just $500 bucks you’re trippin. So now he calls me on the phone and asks me to let him stay at my parents house, these people are acting sketchy af. We’re already 6 people in the house, and parents...they are the strict, traditional type. I ask anyways...the answer is no. I ask again and again...the answer is still no. I tell them he is struggling, he and I have always been a team..the answer is no, doesn’t he have a family? He calls me to tell me that I put my family first he’s always second and that I’m not any good for him I didn’t try hard enough...that he needs someone else who is better for him in his life. I hang up because I need to keep it together...I don’t even know how to feel. I want to think of a list of reasons...maybe was there someone else? Or maybe he never loved me all along...I’ve been crying here and there and don’t even know what to do next. I haven’t even told my sister, I tell her everything...I’m sad that I can’t even help the person I love...I’m sad that we worked so hard all year, struggled so much, just to be pushed underwater even more. I know I’m not the only one out here experiencing this...there’s worse off stories...We thought we were gonna be ok...why am I still thinking we’re going to get a house...why am I still in denial that any of this shit is happening?