at least they’re stocked up on alcohol

I am a student in New York City and was forced to move back home to Colorado after my school kicked us out of the dorms. Although I love Colorado and the opportunity it gives me to cleanse from the chaos of the city, I can't live with my parents. Do I love them? Yes. But are they certifiably insane when it comes to handling situations like this? Definitely yes. One of my dad's all time favorite movies is "The Day After Tomorrow." That alone should tell you how this story is going to go. He is the kind of person who keeps two giant barrels of water, a stack of canned food, and an array of apocalypse worthy guns waiting in the basement for a scenario similar to this. He's had these here for years. Like I said. Certifiably insane. So when the coronavirus pandemic began, naturally he bought 200 rolls of toilet paper, 24 candles, water preserver concentrate, and enough food, beer, and ammo to last us at least a year. For the past 3 days I've been living with them and my sister and it's been complete chaos. Today, they brought home 30 planks of plywood to board up our house in case the neighbors "run out of water and toilet paper and try to come take ours." Although I don't have a romantic or dramatic quarantine love story, I have one that involves a doomsday prepper, a blindly supportive wife, an anxiety prone daughter, and me-a daughter who would probably rather be quarantined alone in NYC than in a house that's making a virus seem like a nuclear bomb. At least they're stocked up on alcohol.


scheming an escape to a cabin


“don’t get relationship tattoos”