don’t kiss and tell

My quarantine story is a bit different we don’t live together. We are both essential workers and need to be in the field daily. After 3 weeks of safety precautions (gloves, mask, alcohol, sanitizer, and washing hands) my girlfriend said now that she does not want to make out anymore because of the pandemic. If you’re as confused as me. Let me try to explain. When this whole thing started about two weeks ago we were shopping together, hanging out in her apartment and she visited mine as well. No conversations about not kissing or intimacy. We were intimate just last week. Now she does not want to kiss anymore because there is a pandemic. The timing of it all seems like an out for ending the relationship. We just had a convo about me feeling like she was not showing any affection. Just seems like the end of the road and this health crisis gave her an out.


i would walk 1000 miles


glass half full