hinge hottie

I left a controlling and emotionally abusive relationship in August 2019. I was finally ready to try dating again by the end of February 2020, and then the lockdowns started. Let me just say dating during a pandemic is extremely difficult. I went months without trying, and then reconnected with an old college flame in the summer that gradually fizzled out. I felt myself doing the same in the fall—trying to reestablish connections with old friends that I was comfortable with, rather than attempting to meet someone new on a dating app. Chemistry is a big tell, and that only comes from engaging in person. With the holidays approaching, I started to feel more lonely than usual and thought I’d give Hinge one more try to see what was out there. After two weeks of talking, I decided to meet the guy in person for a socially distanced date of coffee and strolling through town. He brought me a gift on this first date—of books! He remembered I was an avid reader and English teacher. Needless to say, I was floored and the date turned into 3 hours of great conversation. Though most want this year to be over, the end of 2020 is certainly looking up for me.


all i want for christmas


june 2021