thanks for the answers, COVID
My girlfriend and I have been together for over three years. About 6 months ago, she was frustrated from my snoring and after an argument where I was feeling she was pulling away, decided I'd try to compromise and slept on the couch. We were seeing each other for 2-3 times a week which dwindled down to just Saturdays.
Then, COVID hit, and shelter-in-place. She wants to be alone with her and her cat. She was different than any gal I dated. I never had a worry about cheating, she complimented my personality, and thought we would get through everything together. Thanks, COVID, for showing me she isn't who I thought she was, as I've slowly felt over time that she is avoid something, and ultimately, avoiding me, showing me this isn't just I need more space. People who love each other for this long make things work in situations like this, not avoid one another. I can move on now knowing she will always be afraid of commitment. I wish her the very best, but know that if you can't do this together, I'd always be afraid of what would not work together. If you can make it work during this, then you can make it through anything in the future. Thank you for showing that this isn't the case here and I can move on.