If you happened to be at a Best Buy in CA, I was the mother who had her daughter scream loudly “Fuck you mom! I hate you”

Despite careful planning and mindfulness these past two weeks, the day shit all over me and I grabbed the day by the throat and squeezed.

1. Forgot about work meeting.

2. Forgot about remote therapy session.

3. Tried to prevent myself from yelling at my husband in front of the kids. He wanted to go play music; I wanted him to avoid COVID-19 as he has diabetes. Within seconds behind a closed door I was screaming at him to the point of giving myself a headache.

4. 20 minutes after the end of his horrific fight, our county was put on Shelter at Home. Fight an extreme moot point.

5. I ran to a little market thinking that a. it was still a secret from the world and b. I'd just grab a bit more cheese. An hour spent in line at my not-so-secret market later, I left with 6 bricks of cheese and BFFs with the two women in line ahead of me. I never caught their names, but we all love each other. Theirs are the last reasonable sweet voices I may ever hear.

6. I decide that now is the day to go to Best Buy and see if they will honor the warranty on my son's monitor. To put a cherry on top, I brought my teenage girl to see about a Chromebook for her. She wanted a new iPad instead. If you happened to be at a Best Buy in CA, I was the mother who had her daughter scream loudly "fuck you, mom! I hate you!" I was also the mother who told her daughter repeatedly to move away from her as she tried to lose her in the store. Then I was the mother who left the store and expected the girl to follow. After 15 minutes, I was the mother who went back in the store, found my daughter and screamed that if she didn't get in the car, I would leave her there. She had two minutes.

7. Teen girl got in the car. She is so out of control. I am doomed.

8. So much dumb shit happened that I cannot possibly list it all, but suffice it to say that my work from home strategy wasn't given proper guidance/direction from my boss, and on top of it, I need to write a self-care plan and turn it in to her. That wins first place in the dumb shit contest of the hours leading up until now.

9. I am fully stocked for three weeks with necessities. I decide that now we need more food like ice cream and begin to online shop on Amazon. There are no time slots left. I begin to cry and my husband asks me when I plan to shave my legs.

10. I realize that very soon the day above will seem quaint.


If we stay together then we will likely catch the disease


love hard, wash your hands