legally fit

Hi, I am way older than my boyfriend who is very young legally of course and fit . We don’t see each other as it is because of his job and school. He’s becoming a CPA high job and I support him and encourage him. I love him so very much and he loves me . I saw him today . I don’t go out much at all even before this virus stuff . Yes , I have a opinion on that also and a lot will not agree. I wash my hands common sense even did before all this hit the fan and so does he but what bothered me was a friend of his came back from cancun. He will not visit because the person took a risk and my BF does not want the virus . I do not know his friend . My bf knows I am a risk taker , adrenaline junkie and not afraid of a virus which sounds like a cold and if your old or sick you will die because it gets it your lungs . I lived through SARS it’s a big WOOF I say . But anyway . My bf would not see me if I took risks. Well I don’t lick the walls. I am in apartment complex he pushes the button with a elbow and I do my usual routine go get the paper my bf says a risk. I wash my bloody hands .i wanted to tell him go to hell and our relationship is strained as it is and this virus not my problem more concerned about my relationship not dying . I don’t see my friend .Her husband wants nobody in the apartment with there 8 year old son well me amd her went out for a coffee in the car and went grocery shopping there was enough people . I am not afraid . The rest of my evening good with my bf . He never stays long like a hour and we’re not under the army . The police won’t stop you if your out and if they do go to hell. He never travelled and is not sick . It’s like being in prison or a caged animal and after awhile the animal bites people a good meal .You have more chances getting hit by a bus or car accident or lightening or winning the freaking lottery to this virus my opinion . I am freaking frustrated and being nice go to hell to everyone .be afraid freaking cowards I have no respect for human kind . Yeah my opinion and I know there is haters oh well. My parents are dead long ago . You don’t care if I live or die and you won’t come to my funeral nor will I so . Keep the old and very sick away and let us go on with our lives nobody controls me not my boyfriend . He does not want to come see me or seeing my friends when things blow over I will tell you so rather not bother .My BF says he will come see me because he knows I am well and don’t take chances which I have not but I am angry at him not sure I should tell him I do not agree and if the time comes that maybe they will ticket people for being out then end of relationship. But I love him. But this is up my backside right now . I wrote to much but no one talk to would you believe now as people are being sweet as angels . Welcome to hell, I make myself uncomfortable and watch everyone else.


true romance


iced out