let yourself live
My boyfriend of 5 months has been stuck with me at my parents for two weeks now. I love it, except now he knows all my bathroom habits that i could hide before. It’s come to light that I will leave a room if I have to ~pass gas~. So now every time I walk in to a different room then come back he asks what I was doing and winks at me. Additionally he HATES social media and tries to rip my
Phone out of my hand every time he thinks I’m on tiktok.
Can he just let me live my life???
A few nights ago I was in my room looking at engagement rings on my Pinterest because obviously my imagination has been running wild with all this quality time. He jumps through the door to scare me and yells “are you FARTING in here!?” I pull my phone closer in literal shock - I can’t believe he just said the F word. He lunges for my phone “ARE YOU ON TIKTOK AGAIN” nope. He now looks mortified. I looked mortified. What an interaction, thanks corona!