love is a battlefield

It's been 3 years since I moved back to my parents house, an opportunity to save up for my own place. For a lot of people this would be their idea of hell, but I'm different. I love spending time with my mum and dad, more so after years of crazy house shares! The trouble in paradise here is my older sister. She moved in with mum and dad a few months before I did and has been horribly scarred after the sudden break up of a long term relationship. Her personnal hurt has developed into a toxic aggression that has been continuously channelled towards us, the people who are her biggest champions. Over the last 6 months the terrible atmosphere has escalated. My sisters defensiveness, frustration, and anger have resulted in silly arguments amongst us all about how myself and parents should be 'closing draws in a more natural way' (as I'm now told after 3 years that we slam everything) or that its an expectation that we alert her whenever one of us needs to use the bathroom (this rule weirdly doesnt apply to my sister) - which have only acted as a catalyst to drive us all further apart. My sister makes up rules, which are not communicated to anyone else. None of us can have a conversation with her or ask any questions. You will inevitably be shut down. She is a brick wall. The existence of any of her 'rules' only surface when we have unknowingly broken one... usually by the passive agressive slamming of her bedroom door (ironic when you think of the draws, I know).

I decided to call a family meeting, hoping that an open channel of communication could help to mend some broken bridges, and more importantly, make my parents life a lot less stressful. My sister chose this opportunity - the start of a global pandemic - to tell me that she hates me. Nice, right? Do I wipe my hands and move on? Or keep trying to chip away at the facade she has created in an attempt to save our relationship? TBH I still am weighing up my options... is there a silver lining of the potential end of the world? Yes. Shes chosen (after we had to highlight the lockdown situation - aka you cant flit between our house and your doesnt work like that) to quarentine with her new boyfriend. The relief is enormous. Imagine quarentining with a sibling who hates you? A person who knows exactly the right pain inducing buttons to press, the ultimate antagonist? No, I don't want to either. If we all survive this, I feel like there is still another battle to win.


dead to me


love in the time of corona