My douche bag ex turned hero.
I spent the last 5 years going to court over petty child support issues and parenting order requests with a guy who makes me do all the hard parenting but wants the reward of anything good. Like me taking care of all the big bills. Doing all the hard work when his childhood asthma symptoms are or if control. Having to go to every school meeting for his special needs or appointments with various experts, doctors and therapists to support his learning and health. All while he routinely drags me through the court system to apply again for another reduction in his monthly child support. While he pays nothing in section 7 expenses to help pay for all his extra needs. Being a total arrogant prick through the whole process and every time he picks him up for visits treats me like I don’t exist. And those are the good days worth mentioning.
Speed ahead to COVID-19. My son comes home from his last day at school and days later is showing serious symptoms of soar throat, runny nose, restricted breathing, and many others related to the virus. My ex shows up for his visit because even though I told him it had to be cancelled and we had to self isolate he has to see it for himself to believe it. He immediately drops everything. Goes to the stores in full mask, gloves, and safety glasses to buy $1000 worth of groceries to fill the fridge. He stops by every day asking if I need anything to help him. He apologizes for all his bad behaviour and tells me ‘he’d rather be the one to go out and get supplies because as his mom I’m more important then he is’. (Heart burster). Proceeds to start taking out the trash for me. Finds my short list of home projects that never get done and starts to go around my house doing them without ask. Tells me I’ll do whatever it is you need me to do just ask. Proceeds to take direction and be helpful like he’s always fought hard against in the past. Just to ease my anxiety about our sons symptoms. It’s amazing. In only took the world ending for him to become the man he always should have been. I never thought I’d ever be happy to have him here. COVID-19 self isolating actually saved a family.
Note: our son is finally starting to show small improvements in his condition. So we are praying it will pass without long term effects.