we’re all in this together

For the last year, my former stay at home Dad husband has been working crazy hours to contribute to the family income - most of which is funded by me. Since his employer closed due to Covid-19, he's been home and homeschooling our son. Somehow, the three of us are more at peace with and appreciative of each other than ever. Never has there been more positive attitude or less complaining. Our son's 7th birthday party had to be cancelled and he has not complained at all. He misses school and we miss friends but we are coming together to find the positive. It must be admitted that privilege is playing a role - our stresses are not nearly what some other people are experiencing. We have jointly made decisions to help support local businesses, contribute to local food banks and offer help to our neighbors. These are scary times but I will never ever forget the way we pulled together.


went big


no soup for you!