our hearts go out to you

I live in a house of 9 people and 5 cats most of whom are unemployed now because of COVID19. Except me. I am a fulltime university student, and I now work from home as an administrative assistant. Normally, I love the flexibility to work from home, but normally all 6 of my roommates and their 2-3 girlfriends are not home with me. Did I mention my roommates are in a band? Actually they form several bands in different constellations, but that isn't important. What matters is all of their gigs are cancelled, so they have nothing to do but sit at home playing rock music and video games into the wee hours of the morning. I'm going crazy. I have 5 papers due, and it is my employers financial year end. On top of this I am playing mother to the household to get our house clean up to par and coordinate sharing the space. Until last Friday when I lost it on my roommate's girlfriend for going on a non-essential social outing and not maintaining 2 meters distance. She isn't even paying rent here, yet we let her move in with her tw cats until this passes. Which the Canadian Government is now saying will be July at the very earliest. I sent a long harshly worded message to the house group chat about how her and her partner could go quarantine at her place if they aren't going to follow the rules here. This caused my other roommate to have a panic attack and threaten to kill himself if we broke up the "family". My partner then turned on me screaming that this was my fault and I'm going to kill Dave and calling me a bully and arrogant. Bully? No, bossy? Yes. Arrogant? Maybe. Responsible for Dave's mental health? No. Anyways I guess her and her cats are staying for fear of upsetting the balance further. I am supremely grateful that my therapist is doing phone sessions because I don't know how we are all going to make it out of this alive at this rate.


to be a human resource

