
I’ve been laid off and my boyfriend is still employed we live in The PNW. I always said when my job moves to another town about 40mins up north, that would be my fork in the road with that (rather toxic) job. So this March the time came where my job was moving which also coincided them them having significant financial woes and then the coronavirus shut downs arrived and so they offered me a severance pkg w guaranteed unemployment.

Tonight I mentioned to my boyfriend that I wanted to move to LA (where my family lives) while Ill have a steady unemployment income and he called me ignorant, shouted at how I didn’t comprehend the depression were headed into and also said it was my fault that I was let go and also excavated shit I was dealt w my previous employer From 2007-2011 and dumped it on me complaining about how he had to listen to me complain an hour a day About my job for fucking years. I told him that this kind of shitty attitude is why I don’t want to fuck him. I dont feel like he is the person for me to face the end if the world with. He is led by financial fear am led by family and passion. I have no family here. He has a sister here and hasn't even contacted her to see if she’s ok. He seems dead emotionally and my life fucking sucks.


realizing things


eat it and weep