staying in(side) my feelings

Ironically, my feelings are currently the only thing that is not under isolation. So I meet someone I REALLY like, he go to London, all is good and then- whoops! there’s a lockdown. Like, really?... That’s what I get when I finally show interest in someone? I also have no clue how to express to him (over the phone) how I feel, cause I NEVER get attached. I’m praying to the gods of Corona, pleaseeee end this. As far as I know I’m COVID clean, but I’m definitely experiencing severe symptoms of lovesickness and we know for fact that they haven’t been very successful in curing that. Ughhh how are people coping with unreciprocated feelings? And this quarantine situation is not exactly making it easier to stay distracted… Fuck it, I’m going to London, flights still cheap huh?


i don't love him anymore so nothing


my super ego