stir crazy
Messy and love drama? TELL ME ABOUT IT. I live at home with two unstable parents who are about to get divorced and my 18 year old brother. I spend majority of my time at my boyfriends house because of how ridiculous things are at home and he’s driving me CRAZY. He is so lazy he just eats and sleeps and plays video games all day. I literally almost broke up with him because I was hormonal and BORED. It’s like being under quarantine is making me batshit (more so than usual) and its only been like two weeks !! I have no job currently because it closed down, and same with him. Luckily I work for a company that pays us for “catastrophe pay” but he doesn’t. He’s so used to being lazy now that he won’t even call unemployment! What the hell! He wont be able to pay rent if he doesn’t do this unemployment shit. He is driving me absolutely mad. What am I supposed to do? What does anyone do when we’re supposed to be at home all day? HE IS SO BORING. Like let’s play cards, lets paint, let’s get drunk and write a song- he’s a musician for fucks sake. This was a nice little rant I’m glad you like messy drama I needed this