the strength was already within you

I've lived with my boyfriend for 2 years. What started off as a favor to me has become a living hell. I'm a pretty chill person but he is always criticising me. Whether I put the sponge wrong side down on the sink or my perfume smells too "Persian". Literally everything is my fault. Needless to say I planned on leaving in 2 months when I graduated. Now classes are online and I'm stuck with him in a small apartment. Well, day 4 shelter in place we're eating dinner watching the news. I asked him to please turn up the TV. He says he can hear fine, what is wrong with me. I say I'm not him. I can't hear. He says if I "shut the f*#$ up" I'll hear. I stood up, walked over and slapped him. I have never hurt a living thing I'm my life but I lost it being cursed at. Long story short I'm packing my things and going to go isolate in a new place. Physical violence is never ok but neither is being cursed at. PS: I wish his new girlfriend luck. He is never happy, a yeller AND has penile phimosis. The Corona finally gave me the strength to do what I should have done a long time ago.


three cheers for porn!


i miss him