unwarranted long distance
I had just started seeing someone when the Stay at Home order came into play. Things were going great, very honeymoon phase-y with lots of ice cream outings, late night drives, holding hands at the movies etc. We were getting to know each other by doing stuff, and it was so fun. I finally felt like a grown up in the dating world. And now we have been thrust into this long distance relationship that neither of us asked for. We text, the occasional FaceTime for a few minutes to catch up on our days. It’s not bad, at least he didn’t ghost me when the pandemic hit. I’m personally not a huge dater. I’ve had few relationships that have lasted more than a week of pointless texting complete with a coffee date or two before one or both of us gets bored, realize that we don’t want this right now and give up. College, am I right? And just when I started to give it a chance, just when I thought ‘Hey, maybe this isn’t so bad. Maybe it’ll go somewhere,’ the apocalypse happens. So here I will stay, texting random updates, playing cup pong to keep the competitive, flirty fire going, or maybe Facetiming if the wifi is strong enough, until the day comes where we can leave our houses and pick up where we left off. Let’s just hope we don’t get bored.