hanging out AND cuddles
so i’ve been seeing this guy for around two months now (but we met on the apps, so talking for a month prior to the said two months), and i think we’re really getting somewhere (as in, i feel a DTR convo coming in the next couple weeks), BUT this whole coronavirus thing has really thrown a wrench in everything. he’s in grad school, and his college went full remote for his last semester, so that’s added stress. i’m working from home for the next few weeks in my apartment ALONE— my two roommates went home home, so i’m stuck in my tiny nyc apartment by myself for at least two weeks, social distancing myself. the situation is super hard mentally for both of us. and we’re supposed to hang out this weekend, but that’s not looking likely (he had plans, i had some as well). BUT i still really want to see him. i want to ask him to come hang out, order food, watch movie, etc BUT at the same time i’m wondering... is that a good idea? what if either of us unknowingly has it?? BUT i really don’t want this whole thing to slow down the trajectory of what we have going on. but at the same time i’m so cooped up and would loooove the company. and like i want him to hang out with me while i’m working from home (he’s off for his spring break technically). also, i have reservations at a super hard to get into restaurant that i made a month ago later this week, and i want to ask him to come with me, but at the same time, is that stupid?? it’s a big-ish place, so it’s not super cramped. the restaurant hasn’t said anything about closing yet, but is it dumb to even ask while we’re in the middle of this whole thing??? bottom line is i don’t want what we had going to lose momentum because of this thing, but at the same time, i feel like it’s going to regardless. i don’t know what to do!! we could facetime to hang out, i guess, but that isn’t as fun as hanging out AND cuddles. Ugh!!!!!