overstaying your welcome

My husband went to Sweden 3 weeks ago for work with no exact return date as he works a more uncommon job.  I was in USA traveling for work as well. After seeing all of the news I bought a one way flight to Sweden to be with him incase anything crazy happened(very cautious and probably because I have a lot of anxiety and this was the only thing to put me at ease). Friends and family thought I was nuts but like also health care and the general government decisions are wayyyyy better in Sweden than USA amirite. So I arrived on Tuesday and shit really hit the fan the past two days in Europe so we have no idea when we’re going home - he’s also not a us national so he can’t enter the USA the icing on the cake was we started staying with a family friend for “a couple days” and now it’s looking more like 2 weeks as it seems the whole country is going to be put on lockdown in the coming days. Does “overstaying your welcome” count during a pandemic? Lol I’m more worried about us having problems with the family friend than each other - we’re in a tiny 2 bedroom European apartment


he’ll get stuck here


hanging out AND cuddles