keep on keeping on

My poly SO & I moved in together last fall. He lives here most of the time, & spends a couple nights a week with another partner, and it's been working well... until now. Me, my SO, and his other partner are all at higher risk of complications from COVID-19, due to age or medical conditions. In particular, I have asthma, and am absolutely terrified that the virus could kill me if I contract it. So I've been doing all I can to stay safe and healthy over the past weeks, especially since our state governor ordered everyone to stay home. Meanwhile, the SO is still working. He has an essential job, so I get it, but his higher-ups offered to give him 2 weeks off with pay as he's higher risk. He treated it like vacation time instead of a prudent health measure, and we scheduled some time off in April. Meanwhile both me and his other partner are upset that he didn't just take the 2 weeks *now*, when it mattered. Well, he and I had a big argument about it, and about how to keep me safe (since he's decided to play dice with his own health). I asked him to stay elsewhere for a week, then came up with a strict protocol for us being around each other when he's here. Great! No problems, right? I found out yesterday (Wednesday) that someone in the SO's department was diagnosed with COVID. He knew it since Sunday and deliberately didn't tell me. I didn't know I could be as angry as I am now. I don't know if he was exposed or to what degree, and I don't know if he exposed me while he was here the last couple of days - in either case, he withheld information from me about a virus that could fucking KILL me. He put me at greater risk because *he* judged that it wasn't really that big a deal - instead of giving me the information I needed and allowing *me* to decide what risk I was willing to take on. Folks in his department are advised to self-monitor symptoms until April 8th. I've asked him to stay away until then (presumably with his other partner). I don't know yet if I will ask him to stay away longer, or what kind of impact this will have on our relationship in the long run. I don't know if I will need to end it, or what. He was planning to propose marriage within the next couple of months and I know my feelings on that are different today. I just don't know what's going to happen from this point on. For now I'm alone in my apartment, angry but self-isolating... and thinking a *lot* about where to go from here.keep


alone again (naturally) - gilbert o’sullivan

