slobbering on main

Quarantine has turned me into some kind of lesser creature. All I want to do is eat, sleep, and fuck my boyfriend (which he is thrilled about). We are, against all better judgement, still having two friends over weekly for game night-- all of us are otherwise fully social distancing and most of us are losing it being cooped up, so it's a calculated bad decision. Last weekend one of those friends stayed over to drink and crashed on the couch and he for sure heard BF and I having sex after. The other of those friends is constantly hitting on my boyfriend, and is someone BF and I have talked about a theoretical threesome with, even though they also have a partner. The partner in question might be leaving town to quarantine with their parents, however, which I'm imagining would prompt the friend to spend more time with us. They would never cheat, but the scenario is catnip for the thirsty imagination.

This week my boyfriend also alluded out of the blue to being open to ethical nonmonogamy (specifically, that he'd be okay with me sleeping with other people) which is a big ole "what" that I need to circle back around to, but thinking is very hard right now. It feels like college again: time and social norms are fake, everyone is exuding trashy unstable vibes, and I see sex everywhere.

Basically: no arguments or breakups here, just The Horny melting my brain.


all is fair in-laws and war


scour the pots and scrape the pans, candy the yams and spice the hams