SO. Here’s some TEA. My boyfriend and I have been living with one another for almost a year now. He’s been cheating on me this WHOLE TIME. (I have a new place set up, just waiting for my friend to get home to be my roommate) Anyways, besides the point. I have a vacation to Tampa next weekend and I have been informed by my work that if said vacation doesn’t already get cancelled due to the virus, then I MUST self quarantine for FOURTEEN DAYS annnnddd use my PTO for the whole 2 weeks! Completely understandable, of course, but I cannot be QUARANTINED WITH MY SHITTY BOYFRIEND FOR 2 WEEKS because he will more than likely have to quarantine himself even though he ain’t even going ! Next however fucking long is going to be HELL but it’s FINE lmfao hot girl summer is coming.