send nudes
My 8 year old son just got Messenger Kids, an app that all his friends and cousins seem to have acquired since quarantine. It’s installed on my phone because his iPad is too old. It’s a stripped down messaging service that he basically uses to text and send dumb gifs. This morning he asked me to check to see if he had any new messages. That’s when I noticed his message sent last night to his friend. There was a gif, a doodle, a few screen captures of my yoga app and then there were about 15 pictures off my camera. There was one that was for my boyfriends eyes only - my nipple! I was freaking out. I immediately texted my friend who said her son hadn’t looked at the app yet (so phew) but OMFG what the actual fuck. And the app is so basic that you can’t delete any parts of messages or photos sent. Her removing my son and me removing her son didn’t work: when we added them back in the whole message chain with photos reappeared. So I had to delete his whole account and set up a new one and change camera permissions. It could have been SO MUCH WORSE (the content of photos) and his friend could have seen or it could have gone to a friend with a less chill mom but ohhhhhhh man I’m freaking out a bit still. I’m not ready for this HUGE tech leap that all the kids just had to make. As of Friday he his own GD laptop now for school. What is going to happen with that?!